All of These Photos Have Something Not Quite Right About Them. How Fast Can You Find Them?

Image puzzles are some of the most fun and maddening kind to play. These days when most of us are stuck at home, it’s, of course, good to exercise our bodies, but we shouldn’t overlook exercising our minds. And image puzzles are a fun way to give your mind a good workout as well as a fun family activity (depending on the image).  

One of my favorite kinds, aside from hidden images, are the ones where you have to figure out what’s not quite right about them. These can be incredibly challenging because they always seem perfectly normal until that one detail catches your eye. As you go through each picture below, you’ll find that your brain will start noticing things much faster as you solve each one. It’s a great challenge and a nice break from quarantine Netflix binging. 

Give it a shot and see what you can find.