Elderly White Woman Asks Black Man to Wait Until She’s Done Shopping to Rob the Store

In what’s being called the “Elderly Karen” incident, a black man has video footage of an elderly white woman in what appears to be a store like Walmart or Target. In the video, the lady is very matter-of-factly asking the man holding the camera if he would wait until she’s done shopping before he robs the store so that it doesn’t mess things up for her. This gentleman was in an aisle perusing the shelves, just minding his own business, when this lady walked past on the larger aisle and said this to him. The owner of the TikTok account who posted it is a black man named Agustist King. We’ve seen so many racist videos in recent weeks (and it’s nothing new) but this one is just about as blatant as it gets. The lady doesn’t seem particularly frightened or concerned, necessarily. However, she saw a black man and just assumed that he was there to rob the store. In the video, he could be heard asking her, “You asked us was we gonna do what?” he asked. The woman replied, “Rob the store,” with a completely straight face as if she was asking him how the weather was outside. When the man asked her why she thought he was there to rob the store, she asked him to clarify, “Aren’t you going to do it now?”


She very politely asked him to wait until she was done shopping so that she isn’t caught in the middle. If this weren’t so dangerous, it would almost be humorous. However, we’ve seen too often how this kind of thing can play out. In the past, a woman like this could report to a manager that she saw or heard something suspicious, or felt threatened in some way, and this situation could have ended very badly for the innocent man who’s looking at shampoo. As one commenter noted, “The scary thing is she wasn’t TRYING to be racist and intimidate them; she honestly thought they were gonna rob the store cuz they black. Sick.”


Since he posted the video, it has gone viral, receiving 312K likes, 14.1K comments, and 12.5K forwards.