Selfish Woman Writes Letter To ‘Ask Amy’ Asking How To Better Neglect Her Sister

Many of us still remember a time when we could pick up a newspaper in the morning and flip through the pages. For those who have never touched a newspaper, you’re really missing out on a truly great form of communication. It seems like somewhat of a lost art in today’s high-tech world, where most of the news we get comes via our electronic devices. However, for a long time, newspapers played a vital role in keeping people informed, entertained, and in some cases, well-advised on personal matters. Many of us used to start our day with a quick read of the morning paper. Included in many of those papers was either a local or syndicated advice column. In those columns, people would write in asking for advice on a range of different topics anonymously. It was really the closest thing many of us had to a personal therapist, and often times they could offer some really good insight into our problems. These columns were fun to read and gave us a greater sense of connection. You see, before the internet, people didn’t have a lot of options when it came to finding others going through the same struggles they were. These columns let a lot of people know that they were not alone. One of those advice columns was from the Denver Post, and it was called Ask Amy. The woman who wrote the letter to Ask Amy seemed to have quite a difficulty. She had a sister that never quite “fit in” along with the other family members and friends. As a result of her being an outsider, she was often not asked to go along to family events and outings. When this woman wrote Ask Amy for advice, she was actually looking for someone to stand behind her and tell her she was doing the right thing. As it turns out, Ask Amy had another plan, and it is brilliant. We included a picture of the full column below. What did you think of Amy’s advice? Let us know in the comments, and please be sure to share this story with your friends and family.