The First Thing You See In This Image Reveals Your Inner Mind Power

We don’t often think about the world where we live, aside from the fact that we have to live in it on a day-to-day basis. When you really stop to examine what might be in front of your own nose, however, you start to understand exactly how amazing our planet is. Some people will travel thousands of miles in order to see a natural wonder but we all carry a natural wonder with us on a daily basis. I’m talking about the human brain, something that many scientists consider to be the most incredible creation in all the universe. When scientists look at the brain and try to study all of the complexities, they often get to an area where they have to throw up their hands and say that they simply don’t understand. They try to make sense of it but it is just too complex for them to map it all out. At times, however, we may have an opportunity to see something interesting about the brain, and in this case, it comes to us from a psychobiologist named Roger W. Sperry. This man won a Nobel Prize, so obviously he knows a little bit about his studies. What this man discovered was that the two hemispheres of the brain work in conjunction with each other but they also work separately. Typically, one side of the brain is dominant and the other is dormant. There is much research that has gone into the two hemispheres of the brain but it all falls back on our personality. It can be illustrated nicely in this picture. What do you see first when you look quickly at this picture? Since you saw one animal or another, take a look at what is below to learn a little about your personality. If you saw a tiger head. Those who saw a tiger had first have a brain that is more active on the left side. It typically means that you are an organized, goal-oriented individual. You try to look at things from an objective standpoint when you have a problem. You also tend to be an over-thinker and you know that there is a lot of thought that goes into every decision. It’s always a good idea to listen to the opinions of other people to make your life a little easier. Your personality traits include: Planned: You do things in a properly planned way, like in a to-do list.