Celine Dion Calls Josh Groban To The Stage For A Chill-Worthy Performance Of ‘The Prayer’

There are many people who have the ability to sing and perhaps you are included in that number. It’s a talent that we all share, although I’m sure that most of us would readily admit that we couldn’t entertain a crowd of thousands of people with our voice. At best, we can sing in front of a few friends or perhaps do karaoke, if we have enough to drink before we get up on stage. There are some people, however, who truly have a singing ability that is amazing. One of the singers that is well worth listening to is Celine Dion. It doesn’t matter if you are a big fan of hers or not, you can’t deny the fact that she has an awesome set of pipes. When she gets up on the stage to sing, she does more than make a song with her voice, she inspires the audience. The same is also true of Josh Groban, and although he is a unique singer all of his own, he still offers something amazing to the audience when he performs. The two of them are quite different from each other but they are more similar than you might think. In the video below, Celine Dion is putting on a concert for an audience that is absolutely thrilled to have her singing for them. In the middle of the concert, she stops and invites Josh to come up on the stage with her. It’s a moment that I’m sure everybody in attendance that day is going to remember vividly. Even though their voices are different, they blend together beautifully when they perform The Prayer for a very happy audience. If you’ve ever heard the song, and I think we’ve all heard it, then you will likely admit that this is one version that is always going to be a favorite. It may not be the original, but it’s amazing to hear for yourself. Listen to it in the following video: