Dad Says It’s Prayer Time And The Baby Girl Joins Right In

If there is one thing that most of us realize about little children, it’s the fact that they like to imitate the parents. In fact, that is often where they get their start in life and how they are able to learn so much in such a short amount of time. The parents can be a great influence on their children from the time that they are babies and can really help to point them in the right direction for a life full of success. One of the areas where children often imitate their parents is when they are enjoying a meal together. We don’t tend to have meals together at the dinner table like we did when many of us were younger but even today, there are some people who enjoy doing it. That being said, having a baby at the dinner table is not always going to be the best experience and sometimes, there can be frustrating occurrences. They all seem to fade into the background, however, when you see this little girl who has great table manners. This video clip may be short but it has been viewed over 1 million times on YouTube. It shows an adorable baby sitting at the table with her family and having a prayer. Some people say that the video was on Facebook earlier and had 38 million views.
Eloise Incorvaia is the name of the girl in the video and she is only 20 months old. Her father says it is time to pray and she reacts immediately. She reaches out her hands to hold her parents and closes her eyes to listen to what her father is saying. At the end, she gives a hearty amen. “Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this food, thank you so much for my beautiful girls, let this food bless our bodies and keep us safe. In the son’s name we pray …” Liz and John Incorvaia, her parents were the first to share the video in 2016. The family lived in Indianapolis at the time. They now live in Ohio and thanks to the clip being revived, it has been shared millions of times since it was uploaded. The father says: “This kid … always closes her eyes when we pray, and never wants to be done praying lol – we probably pray 4-5 times before our meal every night. ????” That’s right, the little girl loves to pray so much that she does it multiple times every night. When the video went public, it was featured on many television shows, including Fox News and the Today Show A 20-month-old child may not have many words in their vocabulary but it looks as if this little girl can easily say amen. She may not understand everything that the father is saying in the video but she does recognize what her parents are doing and is happy to follow along. The family also has another daughter and a newborn son but they don’t say if they enjoy prayer as much. You can see more in the following video: