Doctors Advised Parents To Get Abortion; Today Their Formerly Conjoined Twins Celebrate Graduating Preschool

In 2014, Michelle Brantley and her partner Bryan Mirabal were advised by doctors to terminate her pregnancy after they discovered the twin boys inside of her were conjoined at the sternum. However, despite their warnings, the couple decided to give their son’s a chance at life. And while it hasn’t been an easy road, the family has relied on their faith to see them through every milestone since the birth of their beautiful sons, including their most recent achievement of graduating preschool! When doctors first learned of the twins’ incredibly rare condition, they told the couple that the children were unlikely to live to see 32 weeks, as they had just a 25 percent chance of survival, according to First Coast News. Miraculously after ignoring the warnings, Brantley’s pregnancy went as planned without any serious issues, and the couple soon welcomed Conner and Carter Mirabal into the world on December 12, 2014. The two brothers shared an intestinal tract, abdominal wall (which wasn’t fully closed), as well as a liver. Just a few hours after they were born, the twins would undergo what would be the first of several procedures, with the first surgery seeking to repair organ damage. Thankfully they survived the operation giving their family hope for what was next to come.


While the twins survived their first operation, they still needed to build up the strength for their much more complicated separation surgery. They would spend almost five months in the NICU before doctors felt confident in scheduling the high-risk procedure, according to First Coast News.
Then in May 2015, a team made up of 17 surgical staff were able to separate the brothers successfully.


To commemorate the three year anniversary of the surgery, a member of their family detailed on the Prayers for Carter and Conner Facebook page how the most difficult part of that very long day was watching the children being wheeled into the operation room, “not knowing the outcome” but having to instead rely on their strong faith.
“We trusted so deeply in their surgeons and in God,” the post continued. “We just knew they would be okay! We knew. We had faith in God and his plan.”


Ever since that faithful day, the twins have had to face and conquer quite a number of obstacles, including intensive therapies along with many more surgeries. But, all of the trials and tribulations the boys and their family went through proved to be worth it, as they believed that God had a plan for these two sweet souls. The family experienced a sign of God’s blessing for their faith when the twins recently graduated preschool.
“I mean, come on ??? these two have accomplished and been through SO much in their short lives,” a family member wrote on Facebook on May 29. “Between being born conjoined, having a 15 hour separation surgery. Poked, prodded, no peace, living in the hospital til they were over a year old. Therapies, doctors, more surgeries. G-tubes, feeds, learning to eat and walk and talk, and now here they are!! Graduating pre-k, something doctors didn’t know if they were gonna be able to do!” Conner and Carter are a true testament to the power of faith. Had the parents listened to their doctors in 2014, these little ones would have never experienced the life that’s inspired so many people around the world.
“Their lives were not promised or guaranteed, but we had faith and they had strength!” a family member wrote on Facebook in 2017. “They beat all the odds! Seriously, how can you say there is not a God!?”
You can watch a video with more about their operation below.
Also, here’s a video celebrating their graduation for preschool.