Bringing a new baby into the world is a profoundly beautiful and life-changing experience. From the moment we discover we’re expecting, our lives are forever altered, and we eagerly count down the days until we meet our little one. However, this journey is not without its challenges. Alongside the joy, there can be anxiety and worry, especially when concerns about potential complications arise. We hope to be prepared for any issues that may come our way.
For one young couple, Sara Heller and her partner, Chris, the excitement of expecting their first child was met with unexpected news during a routine ultrasound at 24 weeks. While they were thrilled to welcome their baby boy, Brody, into their family, the doctors delivered unsettling news. Brody had been diagnosed with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, a condition that would affect his appearance and potentially lead to various health challenges. The doctors even asked Sara and Chris if they wanted to consider terminating the pregnancy.
Without hesitation, Sara and Chris chose to move forward. They were determined to welcome their son into the world and provide him with all the love and care he would need. They also saw this as an opportunity to raise awareness about birth deformities and how they can impact families and children.
Brody’s condition meant he would require extra care. A cleft lip and palate can make it difficult for a baby to eat, drink, smile, and even breathe properly. Despite these challenges, Sara and Chris remained steadfast in their commitment to their son. When strangers would ask Sara what was "wrong” with Brody, she didn’t take offense. Instead, she used these moments as opportunities to educate others about his condition and spread understanding.
Along the way, the family also experienced incredible kindness. On one occasion, while dining at a restaurant, a stranger handed Sara a folded piece of paper. Inside was a $1,000 check intended "for the beautiful baby.” This generous gift helped cover some of Brody’s medical expenses, including the initial surgery to repair his cleft lip.
Brody underwent his first surgery last year and is recovering well. While he will need a few more procedures in the future, he is thriving, thanks to the unwavering love and support of his parents. Sara and Chris hope that by sharing their story, they can inspire others to embrace differences and show that every child, no matter their challenges, is a precious gift.