Right here is your every day riddle! We look forward to giving our users interesting content material. Within the riddle that we have concocted these days, the query is, "i've many teeth, however I can't chew. What am I?” the first impact that customers get is that it is probably an animal who has enamel and cannot chew. 

As usual, we will be giving pointers with a view to grind the gears on your mind. have you ever figured it out already with out our pointers, or will you be desiring a few help? If it isn't always related to any type of animal, what may want to probable have tooth and no longer chew? here's a trace: it's far an inanimate object. So this means that it isn’t an animal or even human, it's miles a element that does not breathe and is desk bound. The trace feels vague, however we can be giving another trace further into the item. There are different riddles just like this, so with context clues and recommendations, you'll be capable of recognize this riddle. 

 For the second one trace, it is something that continues you tidy and is usually a family object. This gives a extra slim description without giving out the answer right away. Tag a chum and notice if they are able to help or even wager the riddle with out the hints. Is it clear yet as to what the riddle is asking? Don’t be troubled, we will be giving the answer quickly. If it has teeth however does no longer chunk, what is it? It’s easy! It’s an item that facilitates keep your hair in area and tidies up your photo. Did you eventually understand the riddle? the solution to the riddle is: A comb! It has enamel itself and combs manes, but it sincerely does not chunk. thanks for playing and look out for the subsequent riddle!