How Much of A Perfectionist Are You? Find Out With This Unique Test

There are certain kinds of people in the world who must do everything in a particular way. These are folks who don’t believe in taking shortcuts or saying "good enough.” They take pride in their work and in any and everything else they put their efforts into.

 We often refer to these people as "perfectionists.” And being one can be sort-of a tortured existence because sometimes it can mean taking a long time to finish something, or never finishing it at all. It’s really hard for a perfectionist to feel satisfaction in their finished product. We hear this a lot from folks who are entertainers. 

 One great example of an entertainer who is said to have been one of the biggest perfectionists in the business was the music legend known as Prince. His former colleagues told horror stories of grueling practice sessions and his infamous last-minute "drop everything now” phone calls to band members demanding that they fly across the country for a project. Perfectionists rarely ever believe they’ve reached perfection, and it’s their striving that really gives both pleasure and pain. In the end, striving for perfection is the point, not so much what the end result turns out to be. How about you, are you a perfectionist? Are you someone who scourers over every last detail? Taking this test will not only ascertain whether or not you are a true perfectionist, but it will also let you know just how much of one you are.