How You Interpret This Color May Reveal Secrets About Yourself

Color is an aspect of life that truly adds immeasurable value to our human experience. Whenever we see all of the beautiful and vibrant colors this world has to offer, they can have a profound effect on us. But, did you know that many folks can look at the same color and see something completely different? 

Our minds don’t process images the way most of us may think. It more or less takes visual data collected from our eyes, puts it in a blender, and recreates what it perceives to be the image. It’s pretty wild when you think about it! There are also studies that have shown how colors can affect our moods. In fact, many restaurants hire consultants to design the perfect color pallet for their business. For example, red and yellow are said to be the main food colors, said to stimulate tastebuds and people’s appetites. However, blue is said not to be a good restaurant color, because people don’t really associate it with many foods.

 And if you think about it, aside from blueberries, there are not a ton of blue-colored foods out there. Now, if you were to take a look at the image below, what do you think you might see? Some folks believe it is green, while others say it’s blue or even gray. Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with a person’s ability to see color, but rather more to do with your personality and how you perceive the world around you. Tell us what you see?