Husband And Wife Strut Their Stuff Onstage And The Crowd Can’t Get Enough Of Their Moves

Dancing is something that tends to unite people in very special ways. It is also something that we do from a very young age. If you watch a child who is just learning to walk when a song comes on, they can’t help but move to the music. Some of those children are actually quite talented from a very young age but others just enjoy dancing, regardless of how they appear to onlookers. Those children tend to teach us a lesson, however, and that is the fact that we should always dance like nobody’s watching. When a person is a talented dancer, they sometimes do it for others as well as for their own enjoyment. This can clearly be seen at the Happy Stomp Festival, a swing dance competition that pulls in people from all across Europe. Everyone who attends this festival is excited to see the swing dance routines and this year, Henric and Joanna Stillman are ready to take the floor. Not only are they a married dancing couple, they are dance instructors so you can see why everyone is looking forward to their performance. When they begin dancing, they do so to 1950s dance music and now, the video is going viral online. Many of us probably think about swing dancing starting in the 1950s but it actually began in the 1920s in Harlem, New York. At that time, prohibition was in place and speakeasies were the location where people would cut loose and enjoy some good times. This unique style of dance allowed people to feel uninhibited during the time when they were severely regulated. It is now popular worldwide and when you watch somebody talented doing it, it’s a lot of fun as well.
Henric and Joanna keep with the tradition of swing dancing but they also add their own style as well. As you watch them moving across the dance floor, you will see that they are doing so in perfect unison. It doesn’t take long before the audience is on their feet and they stay standing until the music is over. You can watch this epic swing dance in the following video: