Lace Shorts Are The Hot New Fashion Trend For The Summer

The winter is finally over and summer is upon us. It’s the time of year that we enjoy getting out with friends and family and spending some time in the fresh air. The weather is hot, so we try to stay cool whenever possible. In some cases, we may jump in the pool or perhaps we might enjoy an ice cold beverage. 

For some people, however, the ability to stay cool has to do with the current trends. That is why you will be excited with what is coming out this summer, it’s a trend that you are not going to want to miss. We’ve seen our fair share of fashion snafus over the years. Just take a look at some of the blue jean trends that have become popular in recent months. They tend to come and go, but jeans have always been in fashion. Men have another option this year and it seems as if 2019 is the year in which we throw all rules out the window. Some people try to express themselves through the way that they dress and they really don’t care what others think. I would have to say that most men would have to fall under that category when they try the newest trend, men’s lace see-through shorts. Honestly, I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it for myself. We all know that trends can be strange. For example, take a look at these chained together denim pants:  

What about men’s rompers?   Now that men’s lace shorts are here, however, it is putting all of the other trends to shame. These come from Hologram City, and they already have made quite a splash in the fashion industry:   They have been known for ‘party wear’ that will have even been worn by Miley Cyrus and Jordyn Woods. They have really upped their game, however, with the new lace shorts.
 You heard me right, the new fashion statement for the summer is made out of floral lace and they are entirely see-through. You can get them in many different colors.


The good news is, you only have to pay $49 for each pair of shorts. You can get them in pastel pink, blue, green and purple. We are thankful that they are affordable because we don’t expect this trend to be around very long. Believe it or not, there are also matching shirts.

 If you are ready to rock these this summer, then I would say you are ready for the perfect day at the beach.