Mom Brings A 4-Month-Old On Board Flight And Starts Handing Out Baggies

If you ever had the opportunity to travel, you realize that it can be very enjoyable. Of course, there are many reasons why you might travel but if you happen to be doing it for fun or vacation, then you want to enjoy every step of the process. It isn’t only the destination, it’s all about getting there but sometimes, getting there is not half the fun, it’s half the struggle. That is especially true if you have ever been on an airplane with a young child that is misbehaving. From that moment on, you cringe anytime you see a child come on board. Of course, there is another side to the story as well. If you are a mother and are taking a young child onto an airplane, you likely have some stress in doing so. There is one mother that figured out how to overcome the stress and to make everyone else feel a little bit better at the same time. It happened when a mother got on board a flight with her little baby and they were on a flight that was going to another side of the world. She was concerned that her baby would annoy the passengers so she had something in mind. She gave out gifts to the other passengers and everyone loved it. On February 12, a man by the name of Dave Corona was on a flight from Seoul, South Korea on his way to San Francisco, USA. It was a 10-hour flight and many other passengers were on board. There was also a four-month-old baby on the plane. Did you ever hear the saying that you should hope for the best and plan for the worst? I’m sure that many people on that plane were thinking that the worst was about to happen. It might seem like a small gesture that the woman gave to the passengers, but it really made an impact. She gave them some Korean candies and a pair of earplugs along with a note just for them.
The note said: “Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old. Today I’m going to the U.S. with my mom and grandma to see my aunt. I’m a little bit nervous and scary because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise. I will try to go quietly, though I can’t make any promises. Please excuse me. So my mom prepared little goodie bags for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it’s too noisy because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you. :)” Everyone was surprised because no mother had ever given them a care package when she got on a flight with a small baby. Dave was working for a television station in San Francisco as a cameraman, so he made sure to catch it when it happened. Dave took pictures of the goodie bag and everything else that he could possibly get. He then uploaded the pictures to Facebook and they went viral. People were thrilled and they were also curious. Were the other passengers using the earplugs? I have good news, the baby slept almost the entire way and was silent and peaceful. I guess we can all learn a lesson from this. It doesn’t matter whether we are the mother or another passenger, it’s always good to hope for the best.