Mom Discovers 25 Horrific Bite Marks On Her Baby After Picking Her Up From Daycare

Welcoming a child into this world is a cause for celebration. However, for most parents, it’s also a whole new world of concerns as we worry about what the future has in store for our little ones. 

And of course, there are the responsibilities like waking up in the middle of the night to feed, changing some pretty gnarly diapers, and all the other less-than-pleasant duties that go along with being a good parent. However, most parents would not trade any of these sacrifices as so many wonderful moments make them all worth it in the end. However, there is one unpleasant thing no loving parent will ever tolerate — someone hurting our children. 

 When Alice Martian and her husband were looking at daycares for their 15-month-old daughter, Roselynn, they deliberated and researched for quite a while before settling on Creative Beginnings Preschool. However, one day as Alice was picking up their child from the daycare, once they arrived home, Alice was changing the little one’s clothes when the mom noticed something that turned her stomach and inspired pure rage. Her little girl was covered with bloody bite marks! According to Alice, her little girl was bitten over 25 times, at least that’s as many as she was able to count.

”At first, I was like ‘are those really bite marks?’ And then, my brain kinda stopped thinking and I started crying,” Alice Martin told WKYT. ”There’s over 25 plus, it’s hard to tell. 25 would be the minimum that the police officer and I discussed.”


The injuries were so severe that the parents called the Tucson Police, and they open an investigation to see just what happened to their child. But, so far, no charges have been filed.
"You always want to protect your children and I feel like that didn’t happen,” Alice said. "I feel like I left her with someone that didn’t look out for her at all.”


"The fact that nobody intervened in how many minutes, maybe they were left alone, maybe they disregarded the cries, I don’t know, but it takes some time to do that kind of biting and my daughter would have been very upset,” the worried mom said.


In an interview with KOLD News 13, The Arizona Department of Health Sevices issued a statement saying:
"ADHS is investigating the incident at Creative Beginnings Daycare and working with law enforcement. The investigation is not completed and ADHS cannot comment on pending investigations.”
In the meantime, Alice is just hoping that the person or persons responsible will pay for their actions less other children suffer as Roselynn did.