Mom Finds Her 6-Year-Old Tardy Son At Lunch Being ‘Publicly Shamed’ By The Staff

Most of us wake up in the morning and are not sure what is going to take place during the day. We may think that things are going to go just like every other day but there are always going to be times when surprises take place. Some of the surprises may involve us and others may involve our family members. In addition, there are some that we can let roll off our back and others that we realize must be dealt with immediately. 

That is what one woman experienced when she saw what was happening to her six-year-old son at school. His mother was having car problems that morning and she realized that her son, Hunter was going to be late for school. She thought that he would end up with detention or some other common punishment for tardiness but something else happened. She went to visit her son at school at lunchtime to see how he was doing and she saw something that made her angrier than she thought possible. It wasn’t her son sitting in detention, it was the teachers that were publicly humiliating him. Nicole sometimes has a difficulty getting her son to school on time because of health problems. There isn’t a bus available in her area so she does her best to get him ready for school but sometimes he is late by a few minutes. That was the case on this particular day.

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Hunter was crying when he went into the school because he was worried about getting detention. That is why his mother wanted to visit him to make him feel better at lunch. "Sometimes Hunter isn’t ready, but most often the tardiness is not his fault. 

Nicole suffers from osteoporosis, which makes it painful and difficult for her to function, especially in the morning,” KDRV reported. When Nicole got to the school she saw her son sitting by himself. A board was in front of him separating him from his classmates.


Hunter also was using a cup with a letter ‘D’ on it, which stood for detention. She couldn’t stand the sight of her son being humiliated publicly. She was understandably upset for what was taking place. What made matters even worse was that her son was only a few minutes late. He didn’t have any assignments that needed made up, he was just late for school. She took a picture and shared it on Facebook with the entire community. Hunter’s grandmother also shared the picture and it went viral. Eventually it was shared more than 70,000 times. ”This is my grandson, Hunter. 

He’s a little first grader. His momma’s car sometimes doesn’t like to start right up. Sometimes he’s a couple minutes late to school. Yesterday, he was 1 minute late and this is what his momma discovered they do to punish him! They have done this to him 6 times for something that is out of this baby’s control! They make a mockery of him in front of the other students! The principal is responsible for this. His mom found him there, crying, and took him home for the day. Anyone want to help me flood this lady principal with calls telling her how inappropriate this is?”

Apparently, the school was guilty of bullying. Not only did their Facebook page receive a lot of bad reviews, they received a lot of phone calls as well. Others in Grants Pass decided they wanted to help after the pictures went viral. Hunter’s mom and dad went to pick up the car from the garage and found out that it could not be repaired. 

 What was actually happening was the dealer worked with the community to get them a more dependable vehicle. Some businesses in the area also chipped in money to get them a Chrysler van. "You see that minivan sitting right there?” asked Lisa McClease-Kelly of Kelly’s Automotive Service.

"That’s yours,” she said, as she handed Marc the keys to a Chrysler minivan. "I’m just blown away to see the community come together like this and see that there’s still good people out there,” said the happy father, Marc. The tardiness policy was also changed at that point. No other children will be shamed in this way. You can learn more by watching the video.