Nurse Posts Video Of Black Lungs Inflating And Now Everybody Wants To Quit

I’m sure we could safely say that all of us realize that smoking is bad for your health. The problem is that the addiction is so strong that most people are not able to break the habit, even if they tried. For most people, there is a defining moment when they are going to finally break free from tobacco but often, it is too little, too late. In fact, things have gotten so bad that even the tobacco companies have to admit that it is deadly. If you look on the side of a cigarette pack, you will see a warning that it is addictive or perhaps a warning that it is bad for your health. With all of the evidence that tobacco is so bad for you, why is it that people continue to use it? It is because the addiction is so strong. By some estimates, nicotine addiction is stronger than heroin addiction but if you can break free from the habit, it can provide many benefits. Smoking was once in style but today, many people are getting away from it. That being said, there are still plenty of people who know how bad it is for you. That is the case with Amanda Eller, a nurse from North Carolina who shows what happens to your lungs when you smoke. She put two lungs on a table, one healthy and the other black. The black lung came from someone who smoked a pack a day for 20 years.
Each lung was inflated as the video was being taken. You are going to be amazed with the difference. The healthy lung inflated nicely, held its shape and then returned to normal. That wasn’t the case with the black lung. It wouldn’t hold the shape when inflated and would fall back down right away. The black lungs could not hold their air so oxygen wasn’t able to get to other parts of the body. “Because these lungs are COPD, cancerous lungs, the elastance is gone, so they will stretch out but then the recoil of them just snaps right back,” Amanda explained. These videos are really having an impact. Those who smoke and saw them had some comments to share. One user said: “I’m proud to say it’s been 3 months since I gave up my 11 year smoking streak and boy I’ve never felt so good in my life.” “Will always regret wrecking my lungs due to smoking,” Rod Underwood admitted. “I gave up 3 years ago on receiving a COPD diagnosis. If you smoke, try and stop please!” “I stopped 7 weeks ago, due to having bacterial pneumonia and a strain on my heart, best thing [I’ve] ever done,” Joanne Mcdermott wrote. Others who smoke decided to stick with their decision. “We all gonna die someday anyway,” said Lisbeth Mathiesen. “Enjoy it while you can you live only once! God I’m sick of hearing about ‘smoking kills’ going outside your door can kill you too!” “I love smoking and this video ain’t gonna stop what I enjoy,” declared Michael Brockwell. “I love my cigarettes though I know this,” admitted Theresa Quirin. “I can’t stop. Seems the only thing that keeps me sane right now.” It is ultimately up to the individual to decide what to do but knowing what is going on inside of you can help you make the right choice. Watch the video below.