Photo Of A Young Girl Baffles The Internet: Can You Solve The Illusion

A mom’s thoughts-boggling picture of her daughter has left heaps of humans desperate for a clean explanation. in the viral picture, which changed into first shared on Reddit, a young lady wearing crimson seemed to be stuck in concrete The mother wrote in the caption: My daughter, where’s the rest of her?” The teasing mother also challenged viewers to take a closer look at the photo, writing: "Ohh I see, do you?” human beings were pressured as they couldn't recognize what changed into happening inside the picture. 

 The photo received greater than 1,200 feedback and over sixty three,000 likes on the platform, with one person commenting: "Great one OP! I’ll admit I had to come to the comments for this one and still struggled a bit.”

The photo was later shared on fb where it quickly went viral. "I am sick of seeing this because my brain can’t work it out,” one person commented. "Part of the reason it’s so good is that the title implies that there’s a "rest of her” to be seen, so we’re not expecting half of her body to be completely concealed, we’re expecting her to blend in,” another wrote.


But some people eventually managed to solve the illusion, explaining that the girl is actually leaning on a raised level with grass that meets a concrete border. The child’s elbow is resting on the raised level, which only adds to the illusion that she is sinking into the concrete. "She is behind a wall,” one person said. "Took me a few seconds. Always look at patterns and distance when you are really confused by a photo,” another wrote.