Professional Irish Street Dancer and Little Girl in the Crowd Put on Adorable Performance Together

When you’re visiting Galway in the west of Ireland, one thing you should watch out for is their amazing 
" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">traditional Irish folk dancers. You can often see them dancing in the streets, just as you can see street performers in nearly any culture. In Galway, one of the dancers you’re likely to come across is a talented lady named Emma O’Sullivan, who also happens to be the All-Ireland Champion. Raised in Connemara, Ireland, Emma has toured the world dancing to traditional Irish music. Her particular dance of choice is Sean-nós, and she’s so good at it that she’s known as the Queen of Sean-nós in Ireland. Here’s something awesome about Emma: even though she’s found success worldwide, she can still be found dancing in Galway’s streets occasionally. She always draws a huge crowd of tourists to watch her dance. On one special day, she was performing when a tiny little lady caught her eye. The little toddler girl was dancing and mimicking Emma! It’s really unbelievable at how good this little girl is at dancing when she’s so little. Emma wasn’t bothered by it one bit. She danced over to someone with a camera and indicated that he follows her and zoom in on the tiny dancer. The little girl watches Emma closely and has a look of fierce concentration on her face as she does her very best to copy Emma. Once she looks up and sees her family watching her and clapping, she really gets into it in a big way. She even moves out to get closer to Emma so that she can be a part of the show. Then at the end of the performance, the crowd gave the little girl a round of applause, and she joins in with the clapping — what a memorable day for this little girl. I think someday we’ll be looking at YouTube and seeing this tot as a grown-up lady dancing for us. Check out the video . This little girl steals the show.