It’s no secret that many students don’t view their teachers as particularly fun or entertaining. For most kids, teachers are often seen as the people who assign challenging tasks, ask tough questions, and evaluate their performance. To many, educators are the ones responsible for handing out the kind of work that can feel like a buzzkill. And, to be fair, some teachers don’t exactly radiate fun. For a portion of them, the job may seem like little more than following a lesson plan and keeping classroom disruptions at bay. While the majority of teachers are dedicated professionals who genuinely care about their students, the stereotype of the bored, clock-watching teacher just going through the motions for a paycheck persists in many people’s minds.
That said, there are countless teachers who break this mold—educators who are vibrant, engaging, and passionate about more than just teaching subjects like algebra or chemistry. These teachers go the extra mile to connect with their students, showing them how much they care. As the saying goes, "Kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” For Scot A. Pankey, a teacher at A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School in Dallas, Texas, this philosophy seems to be at the heart of his teaching approach. Pankey and his students recently decided to inject some fun into their school day by creating a music video together. The video features Pankey and dozens of students dancing to the hit song "Uptown Funk.”
The video kicks off with Pankey sitting at his desk, appearing bored and uninterested as the music begins to play. But then, he suddenly springs to life, breaking into a dance routine as he moves through the classroom. Once he steps outside, he’s joined by two students who groove alongside him. The trio then meets up with a larger group of students, and together, they continue to dance their way through the school. The choreography is impressively smooth and well-executed, showcasing Pankey’s undeniable rhythm and flair. It’s clear that this teacher knows how to bring energy and joy to his students’ lives, proving that learning can be both meaningful and fun.